What happens when you play? You sweat and this is a full-body experience. Our bodies release endorphins and other “happy neurotransmitters” includi... on your site note check out our listed badminton racket and set. Psychological Benefits: Because badminton promotes physical fitness, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. 1. It keeps the weight in check and prevents obesity. To account for this, your opponent will bias his base towards covering the straight smash, leaving more open space for the cross-court smash. So, here are some health benefits of playing badminton … Decrease risk for diabetes: It can decrease the production of sugar by the liver and therefore can decrease fasting blood sugar. A: Advantages of playing badminton are it’s a fun game to play and you will enjoy playing it. Advantage and disadvantage of badminton Osteoporosis is a troublesome problem especially in the elderly and women after menopause. Results in reducing the cholesterol … Yes, we’re talking about badminton, and here are a few advantages it has over most other sports. Badminton is a non-contact sport, making it a lot safer than most contact sports. You don’t have to be supremely fit to start playing the game, and the intensity of the game is determined by the level of the players. Being ambidextrous or not comes from the brain. people are ambidextrous while ten percent are left-handed and the rest are right handed. It is great to play and incredible strength to increase strength, flexibility, balance and can fight diseases such as anxiety, stress and weight gain. Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the world with more than 300 million active players worldwide. 1.2 2) Its a good exercise for heart. Badminton is an active sport that will keep you moving throughout the matches and thus, improving your mobility … The health benefits of badminton are endless. Play badminton doubles. Do you know you can increase your lifespan by Playing Badminton? Now, scientifically, studies in Denmark have suggested that being with other peopl... Xiao Bian here advocates that everyone often play badminton. Benefits of playing badminton for kids Badminton is one of the most useful, safe, popular, and active sports. Physical health is an important part of your overall health and Badminton is also a good way to meet friends and to socialize in a healthy way. Having played badminton for a long time, my body is in great shape, and I have made many friends along the way. The advantage of hiring a court is that you can choose who you want to play with and you don’t need to be rotating to play whenever there are more people than space in the court. This makes shorter players smooth, quick, and agile on the Badminton court. 1 Here are five health benefits of badminton. Advantages and Disadvantages of playing Badminton It is an excellent game for the physical development of your child. Being truly ambidextrous is being equally adapted at using both the right and left hand It occurs because the bones lose their density. Benefits against osteoporosis. This is particularly true in doubles where the pace of the games requires you to act very quickly. It is a well-known fact that indulging in aerobic sports activity like badminton gives multiple health benefits and promotes longevity. 1.1 1) Badminton players cover a large area. Being a tall in badminton has both advantages and disadvantages. It provides an overall fitness to an individual; it helps in strengthening the muscles, and burning fat. Weight loss: Badminton can also help with weight control because of its fat-burning and metabolism boosting qualities. Badminton is also likely to put you in a good mood because it’s a social activity. There are a few more reasons that badminton may be beneficial for you. Playing badminton outdoors is difficult, if not impossible because even a slight breeze can cause the shuttlecock to move unpredictably. So to prevent the elements from hindering the game, this sport is played indoors all the time. So even if it’s raining in your area, you can simply head over to a badminton court and play a game or two. Osteoporosis can be prevented or delayed by playing badminton regularly. Unfortunately, they also expose you to greater movement pressure if your opponent is able to play a good reply. I also searched online for some information about the benefits of playing badminton, and compiled some badminton guides. You can have everything else in life but, if you are not healthy, the quality of your life suffers dramatically. 1.3 3) It’s perfect for integral physical conditioning. The Top Benefits of Playing Pickleball January 20, 2021 When you combine tennis, ping-pong and badminton, you get a unique game called pickleball…which happens to be one of the fastest growing sports in the United States! 1.4 4) You gain flexibility, mobility and muscular strength. Badminton is a fun enjoyable game. In fact, badminton has many advantages that make it … Below we will explain 7 benefits why you should start playing Badminton right now: 1. I'm been playing sports as an amateur for over forty years. Other than all of that, badminton also has several health benefits. Anyone can play badminton, it, not just a sport, badminton helps … Badminton is a non-contact sport, making it a lot safer than most contact sports. You don’t have to be supremely fit to start playing the game, and the intensity of the game is determined by the level of the players. Playing badminton takes a lot of energy and is very exhausting as it uses every muscle in the body. 25 Benefits of Playing Badminton for Physical and Mental Health 1. Outdoor Games play an important role in the overall development of mind and body of a child, a teenager, and even an adult. Badminton is one of the sports where both, the upper and lower body muscles are utilized. There are two advantages to this: 1. Calorie Burn: As the... If you play even for an hour, you will be able to burn close to/around … Those who exercise and play sports regularly tend to experience lower cholesterol levels as well as lower risks for cardiac disease. Between the running, lunging, diving and ball hitting, playing badminton burns fat at approximately 450 calories per hour. Playing Badminton has many benefits. Compared to a clear, a downside is that you will have less time to reach a base position after playing a drop shot. Table of Contents [ hide] 1 Health Benefits of Playing Badminton. 1. Adhere to badminton and cooperate with healthy diet. Can make your body better Badminton is a comprehensive sport, it needs to be able to run fa... 1.2 Improves Lung Health. Improve Speed and Agility. You don’t have to be supremely fit to start playing the game, and the intensity of the game is determined by the level of the players. This is a lot, especially if you carefully monitor your diet while you are working on your fitness. 3. Improves the child's personality. The varied movements provide a powerful cardio workout by engaging the entire body, including the hamstrings, quads, calves and your core. . Further on, it promotes a normal and regular heart rate ensuring a better heart. It can be easier for a shorter player to squat and take the shuttle overhead than taller players. News-The benefits and disadvantages of playing badminton Manufacturers & Suppliers,Details:Badminton everyone is very familiar with it, but the benefits of playing badminton are also very much. Exercise increases endorphins, which are the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, and has also been found to improve mood and sleep. Also, it comes with some amazing health benefits. 2. Games like cricket, football, hockey, tennis, and badminton are some of these outdoor games. This leads to increased blood circulation and hence results in a tremendous improvement in the metabolic rate. Well first off, it's a game that can be played by both men & women both against each other in singles, doubles & mixed doubles. The game requires q... Badminton is not just an outdoor sport; it’s an ultimate exercise. Advantages of Playing Outdoor Games. Combined with proper diet, optimal weight loss may be achieved. Keeping active throughout your life can help to prevent these problems in mobility. In recent times, Badminton has become quite popular among people of all ages. The continuous movement, jumping, and hitting when you are playing badminton are very similar to cardio workout which will increase your heart rate and the amount of blood pumping out through your blood vessels. But altogether, playing badminton keeps you feeling well, energetic, motivated, enthusiastic and rejuvenated. The whole process gives an immense advantage to your health and mental agility. After reading of the benefits that playing badminton can have ….ladies, chose a racket that suits you and head for the badminton court to become a healthy and enchanting “badminton sweetheart.” (Edit by VICTOR Badminton) Healthier Heart; Reduced Stress and Anxiety; Diverse Social Connections; Reduced Risk of Diabetes; Reduced Body Fat; Teamwork; Sleep Better; Lower Blood Pressure; Improved Appearance; Improved Mood; 1. Another advantage of … Badminton is a great body-toning workout, it involves a lot of physical activity. Regularly playing the sport has plenty of mental benefits too. As it is played by both males and females equally across a range of ages and skill levels, the health and social benefits of the sport are wide and varied. Be patient when you get a shuttle at back of the court. For sure, I've experienced many social, mental and physical health benefits from participating in tennis, soccer, rugby, badminton, and other teams over that period, but I thought it might be interesting and informative to … It improves eyesight. It also improves the flow of blood towards the heart. Playing the sport on a regular basis, strengthens the muscles of the heart. While playing badminton you make use of every muscle in your body, which is great for calves, butt, quads and hamstring Playing badminton optimizes heart function. 10 Benefits of Playing Sports. Here are the top health benefits of playing badminton: 1. People with osteoporosis are more likely to experience fractures due to their reduced bone resistance. Playing badminton has a ton of advantages ranging from well-being to the psychological wellness. Game increases the attention of the child and helps to focus on learning. Helps to stay fit and lose weight . A badminton game can burn between 250 and 500 calories in a one-hour game depending on the intensity. Badminton, is a racquet sport that is very similar to tennis. It is a very popular sport not only for competition but also a fun sport which can be... Playing badminton is more fun, engaging and fulfilling more than playing computer games. 3. It gives an overall body workout: The arms, the legs, the shoulder, and even the tummy gets a real workout as you take time to serve, swirl and attack your opponent. It supports up your muscles, adds solidarity to the muscles, improves blood stream rate and the benefits are endless. Health Benefits of Playing Badminton April 4, 2019. 1. Big thighs: This may seen awkward, but your thighs look muscular. 2. No effect of weather. Badminton is usually indoors, in an indoor court. So,... In doubles, it’s more common to get smashes to the body area, consider playing doubles since your strength lies in defending against shots against the body area. Playing badminton, like any other sport sweats you out and burns calories within the body. This leads to an increased demand for oxygen to compensate for the energy deficit created within the body. Because of this open space, cross-court smashes often do more damage than straight smashes. Just like taller players, short Badminton players also suffer a few weaknesses. Short Badminton players have less weight to manage and so, therefore, use less energy to get around. Badminton is not just like a game…It is something which will make you get attracted to and once you start playing , you will love this and hence yo... Yet another benefit of playing badminton is that it aids in promoting a healthy heart. The advantages of playing outdoor games are mentioned below: 1. 1.5 5) It is a sport with benefits … Enhancing your Badminton Techniques is the way to your accomplishment in winning badminton matches. People who are right-handed have left-brain dominance whereas ambidextrous people’s brains are symmetrical. Here are the advantages as I see them: 1. Improved motor skills. 2. Improved visual perception - evident while driving an automobile. 3. Improved/r... 1.3 Helps Cure Hypertension. Here are the main advantages of playing badminton: 1. You’ll develop faster reflexes. Playing at a competitive level will push you to your limits;... Easy to learn and fun to play, badminton can make your playing time entertaining and exciting. While you’re lunging, diving, running and getting your heart pumping, playing a game of badminton can help you burn around 450 calories an hour. The same goes for shorter players. 1. Train your drives. Engage in badminton drives with your opponent if he’s taller than you. 2. Play badminton doubles. In doubles, it’s more common to get smashes to the body area, consider playing doubles since your strength lies in defending against shots against the body area. 3. Be patient when you get a shuttle at back of the court. All this activity in your body gives you another physical advantage: the potential for weight loss. In this sport, muscles have an important role, especially is the striated muscle where this... 2. To play badminton, players are required to have a certain degree of flexibility. At the point when we think about the advantages of playing badminton it isn’t simply limited to simply the actual wellness yet it likewise fortifies our psychological wellness. However, one disadvantage of being taller which is most often quoted is that body smashes work much better against taller players than shorter players. Here are the key benefits of badminton Badminton is a Total Body Workout. Drop shots can be among the most deceptive singles shots, offering great opportunity for applying movement pressure to your opponent. Advantages of Badminton- 1) Low Injury Rate Badminton is a non-contact sport, making it a lot safer than most contact sports. The disadvantages are that it is more expensive and that you will have to bring your own … Health Benefits of Badminton. As it is a fast-paced sport it burns a lot of calories and helps you increase your body flexibility. Moreover, you don’t need to be standing on a badminton court to play badminton. Health is the most important item you have in your life. Physical fitness: Between the running, lunging, diving and ball hitting, playing badminton burns fat at approximately 450 calories per hour. The health and social benefits of badminton are wide and varied. It is fun and easy to play with or without a court. Playing daily can result in losing about 4 kgs in a month It helps in toning the muscles and maintaining a good physique. Therefore, kids that play badminton are encouraged to develop their flexibility, which comes with many benefits like healthier muscles, as well as joints. Healthier Heart Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the world with more than 300 million active players worldwide (Nielsen Sports, 2019), and is played by both males and females equally across a range of ages and skill levels.. From the pleasure you derive from playing the racket game to the health benefits it offers, badminton remains one of the best sports you can play. Physical fitness, building physique and weight loss. Mobility – Mobility is a problem that many of us experience trouble with as we age. Aspects of Muscles. Using drop shots to create an advantage. 1.1 Reduce Weight And Get Rid Of Excess Fat.
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