NORFOLK SOUTHERN REPORTS FIRST QUARTER RESULTS. This extension will run from LIRR’s Main and Port Washington Branch Lines in Long Island and Queens, to Grand Central Terminal (GCT) on Manhattan’s East Side. Extending between Sunnyside Yard in Queens and Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, the East Side Access project is creating an LIRR branch from its Main Line through new track connections at Harold Interlocking within Sunnyside Yard, and through the lower level of the existing 63rd Street Tunnel under the East River. Quarterly Report – 3rd Quarter ‘10 Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep ‘10) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.80881) 5 Highlights Received additional Federal Funding, Grant Amendment NY-03-0344-11 in the amount of $207,527,659 and the FTA executed an $11 million Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant on 09/23/10 The 15-year long, $11 billion terminal and concourse is … The risk assessment re-evaluated the ... Last Quarterly report was Q 4 `18. To receive notifications via email, enter your email address and select at least one subscription below. September 2009. p. 16. "MTA Takes Major Step Towards Completing East Side Access Plan". I have only done a preliminary look through them, so I … Table Of Contents Quarterly Progress Report. ... GameStop gains as traders await quarterly report. • As of June 30, 2017, the unallocated contingency is $257.7M, an increase from March 2017, which was reported as $222.6M. This portion of the East Side Access program involves structural concrete lining of tunnels, Escalator Pits, Access Tunnels and arches covering 4 caverns, 1 ventilation facility, and 8 cross passages. ManhattanUpper Year 2015 East Side Quarter 4 19 $1.1M $264M $ 1,545 30% Y-o-Y SALES VOLUME NO. Conduct meeting with LIRR and MNR Safety/Security representatives to initiate operational readiness activities associated with group 7 and the development of … First-quarter revenue decreased 1 percent from a year earlier to $2.81 billion. CSX Corp. reported first-quarter 2021 net earnings of $706 million, down from $770 million in the same period last year. Union Pacific Corporation today reported 2020 second quarter net income of $1.1 billion, or $1.67 per diluted share. ↑ a b Official website of the East Side Access Project ↑ MTACC Quarterly Progress Report to Capital Program Oversight Committee (CPOC): East Side Access. The largest award was CQ033 for approximately $286M in April 2017. $178.6M was expended compared to $167.5M in Q1 2017. Intermodal and other revenue growth were offset by declines in merchandise, coal and fuel surcharge revenues. Username. It is the busiest rail junction in the United States. The FY2018 to FY2022 Capital Investment Plan can be found here. Governor Cuomo announces completion of major construction of East Side Access; ... Union Pacific reports second quarter 2020 results. Central Eastside Together is committed to collaboration, innovation, and being responsive, transparent, and equitable.. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the completion of civil construction on East Side Access – the MTA’s megaproject connecting the Long Island Rail Road to a new 350,000-square-foot passenger terminal under Grand Central Terminal. ^ "East Side Access Tunnel Boring Machine Reaches Grand Central Terminal" (Press release). (pdf) MTA Capital Construction Company, March 24, 2014, accessed April 25, 2014. As that draft schedule is on a public information page for a construction project loosely related to East Side Access (and has been for some 4.5 years, looking at the Web Archive), it's hard to imagine that wasn't meant for the public to see. ^ a b "East Side Access Quarterly Report Q3 2009" (PDF). The PMOC notes that the FFGA Amendment was … Q3 2017. East Side Access is a public works project under construction by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York City, which will extend the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) from its Main Line in Queens into a new station under Grand Central Terminal on Manhattan 's East Side. Proponents also say that less traffic at Penn Station will … C&D’s last report to CPOC on Integrated Project s was in July 2020. The MTA estimates that East Side Access will serve approximately 162,000 customers a day, shaving off up to 40 minutes on some commutes. Report Date: December 16, 2020 Contact: Neil Hrushowy/Jose Fernandez Garcia Contact No. East Side Access is one of the largest infrastructure projects currently underway in the United States and will provide a faster and easier commute from Long Island and Queens to the east side … Retrieved February 5, 2018. MTA Chief Program Executive Addresses Concerns Over LIRR Coming to Grand Central Terminal On January 17 Anthony Japha, MTA chief program executive – East Side Access and Pamela Burford, director- Quarterly Report (Oct, Nov, Dec „11) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.098750) 53. Workers construct a tunnel for the East Side Access project. Quarterly Review Report –4thQuarter ‘12. After submitting your information, you will receive an email. On February 19, 2014, the final blast the the 55 St Ventilation Facility in Manhattan marked the end of significant blasting operations for East Side Access. Quarterly Report (Apr, May, Jun „12) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.100861) 4 Highlights, Issues and 3rd Quarter Look Ahead: Summary of Baseline Results: As previous reported, this spring, the MTA conducted a project-wide risk assessment on the East Side Access project with results documented in late June. OF TRANSACTIONS AVERAGE PRICE/UNIT AVERAGE PRICE/SQ. [ June 2, 2021 ] Operation Lifesaver, Federal Highway Administration Award $200,000 in Grants to State Programs Safety [ May 28, 2021 ] Workers wrap civil construction on $11 billion East Side Access project in New York City Commuter Rail [ May 28, 2021 ] Pair of decisions by feds boost chances for $11.6 billion Hudson Tunnel project between New York, New Jersey Amtrak The project will bring eight new tracks to the station, connecting the LIRR directly to Manhattan's East Side. Posts. 4TH QUARTER 2015 Upper East Side Report A quarterly analysis of multifamily sales in Upper East Side, Manhattan. The junc­tion is lo­cated in Queens, New York, east of the East River Tun­nels and next to Am­trak's and NJ Tran­sit Rail Op­er­a­tions' Reconstruction work on Harold Interlocking started in 2009, as part of the East Side Access project to bring LIRR service to Grand Central … With an estimated cost of $12 billion, or approximately $3,500,000,000 per mile ($2.2×10 9/km) of new tunnel, the East Side Access tunnels were seven times as expensive as comparable railroad tunnels in other countries. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is constructing a new, direct 3.5-mile commuter rail extension for Long Island Rail Road (LIRR). East Side Access is one of the largest transportation infrastructure projects currently underway in the United States. Having East Side Access will enable a person to travel from Westchester County to Long Island without having to go to NY Penn Station. Two more integrated projects MTA/LIRR East Side Access (PM 3.2.130843) i. Here you will find monthly and quarterly reports that cover the services provided through the Central Eastside Together programs that include Safety for All, Graffiti Removal, and Cleaning. The team sold seats in the stadium’s 100 and 200 levels and on the east side’s 300 level. njtmnrrbuff. Eastside Distilling, Inc. (NASDAQ: EAST) ("Eastside" or the "Company") will report its first quarter 2020 financial results after the market close on … The last time I had been down into the East Side Access cavern far beneath Grand Central Terminal feels like eons ago. January–March 2002 Quarterly Report 5 owned property and on adjacent private property. After years of deferred maintenance and ballooning construction costs, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Five Star Electric was awarded a $90-million subcontract by GCT Constructors JV, the contractor responsible for the construction and fit-out of the new LIRR concourse and related facilities at Grand Central Terminal as part of the East Side Access Project. It serves trains on Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and the Long Island Rail Road's Main Line and Port Washington Branch, which diverge at the junction. East Side Access has at least a half-dozen overseers, from the Federal Transit Administration on down, generating thousands of pages of reports yearly. Eastside Distilling, Inc. (NASDAQ: EAST) ("Eastside" or the "Company") will report its second quarter 2020 financial results after the market close … 3996 Joined. The feds warned in these reports that the lousy relationship between Amtrak and the MTA was costing money, yet they could do nothing about it. It was 2015, a time when New Yorkers commuted daily to their midtown offices, and the cavern was very much just that — a large, dark, very unfinished, damp cave that barely resembled a train station. Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:33 am Re: The East Side Access Project Discussion (ESA) ... and the FTA Quarterly Reports have not been updated in 2019 or in this year. Patrick Cashin/Metropolitan Transit Authority In June, the last quarterly report to the MTA’s Capital Projects Oversight Committee noted $2.6 million in increases over the first quarter of 2019 for five Second Avenue Subway contracts for track, signal and power work and finishes to the 72nd Street stop on the Q line. Integrated projects are complex projects with multiple interdependent sub-projects. The information on this page consists of FTA's oversight reports monitoring … PORTLAND, Ore., May 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Eastside Distilling, Inc. (NASDAQ: EAST) reported first quarter 2020 financial results for the period ended March 31, 2020. Proponents of the project say direct service to Grand Central would cut down on subsequent subway or bus trips in Manhattan for LIRR riders who work on the East Side of Manhattan. The MTA says the East Side Access Project will likely be completed by December of 2022. Construction on East Side Access began just over 12 years ago, and Governor Cuomo has now been New York’s chief executive for nearly 75 percent of the construction life of East Side Access. Quarterly Report (Oct, Nov, Dec ‘12) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.103047) 56. East Side Access Status Report to CPOC September 26, 2011 - Title: MTACC Quarterly Progress Report to CPOC Author: MTACC Last modified by: AlCoult Created Date: 10/21/2010 2:13:11 PM Document presentation format | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view $221.6M was invoiced in Q2 2017 compared to $181.0M in last quarter. Major construction on East Side Access located under Grand Central Terminal is complete. The Northeast Corridor Commission released it Annual Report for 2016 and its Capital Investment Plan for 2018 to 2022 yesterday. Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Governor Cuomo will take a tour later on today to check out the process. Quarterly Report (Jul, Aug, Sep ‘09) - East Side Access (PM 3.2.62240) 3 Executive Summary Status of ESA Budget and Schedule BUDGET TOTAL (millions) Budget Awards Invoiced $ 7,328.0 $ 3,464.5 $ 1,775.3 % Budget 47% 24% % Awards 51% Note: The budget and schedule reflect the September 2009 rebaseline as approved by the MTA Board The largest total increase in a contract was by $491 million for East Side Access Engineering Consultants, with 126 change orders on a contract originally valued at $140M – a 350% increase. The FY2016 Report can be found here. Extending between Sunnyside in Queens and Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, the East Side Access project is creating an LIRR branch from its Main Line through new track connections in Sunnyside Yard and through the lower level of the existing 63rd Street Tunnel under the East River. East Side Access provides new, direct LIRR service into a new concourse below Grand Central Terminal on Manhattan’s East Side, reducing commutes into Manhattan by up to 40 minutes. This report covers the project management activities on the East Side Access (ESA) Mega-Project managed by MTA Capital Construction (MTACC) with MTA as … The Land of Enchantment is not Flyover country! It is also worth noting that in at least one instance where the Board authorized staff to make change orders without your approval – the Judlau L Tunnel contract from 2017 – MTA staff they said that they would still report changes via these quarterly reports: For the quarter ended March 31, 2018, Eastside Distilling reported record gross sales of $1,413,182, an increase of 70% compared to $829,669 in the first quarter of 2017. East Side Access Cost Overruns Thomas P. DiNapoli Kenneth B. Bleiwas New York State Comptroller Deputy Comptroller Report 12-2013 March 2013 Highlights • East Side Access is … Harold Interlocking is a large railroad junction located in New York City. This report covers the project and quality management activities on the East Side Access (ESA) Mega-Project managed by MTA Capital Construction (MTACC) with MTA as the Sponsor and financed by the FTA FFGA. NY1. Three integrated projects are under construction now (42 St Connection, East Side Access and LIRR Main Line Expansion).

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