... Osousi Festival is celebrated amongst the people of Ikija and Ago-iwoye in Ogun State. 1 Function 2 Bibliography 2.1 See also 2.2 Film & Video 3 External links 3.1 Portuguese Ancestors assure a place for the dead among the living. During the Ojolikoko festival, the date of commencement of Egungun festival would be formally announced. A heritable chief called the Alagba heads the society, which celebrates its most significant feast in June. It is celebrated in the month of December. Jesus only asked us to always take the communion in remembrance of him luk 22:19, Jesus nor his disciples never celebrated any birthdays. The EGUNGUN Masquerade festival is celebrated by adherents of the traditional religion in Southwest Nigeria, who believe that their ancestors reincarnate and pay them regular visits to bless them. The Egungun are celebrated in festivals also known as Odun Egungun which h ono ur the Yoruba's deceased family members and acts as the medium for the masker's to transformation into their ancestors. Advertisement Ifedayo Olarinde aka Daddy Freeze, has frowned on the double standards people have about religious festivities like Christmas which is celebrated by Christians and traditional festivals like Egungun and New Yam festivals. It is also celebrated among the community of Egungun worshippers in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. It is believed that the festival began thousands of years ago in Ejigbo Ife in Osun State, and as the pioneers of the festival... READ ON + EGUNGUN. Day 1 is dedicated to Obatala (Sopanna, Iyaami and the Egungun) Day 2 is dedicated to Orunmila (Esu and Osun) Day 3 is dedicated to Ogun (Osoosi) Day 4 is dedicated to Sango (Oya) To reconcile with the Gregorian calendar, Yoruba people also measure time in seven days a week and four weeks a month. The Egungun are celebrated in festivals, known as Odun Egungun, and in family ritual through the masquerade custom. The festival lasts several days, and during it, women and others who do not participate must stay indoors. It is estimated to be about 37% of the population. Apart from these, there are various festivals that are celebrated which allow the people like any other tribe in the world to enjoy life to the fullest and with great joy. Egungun Festival. January 10th is a holiday in Benin when the Vodun Festival takes place. It is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved or bonded in the United States, our Ancestors, our Egungun. The Egungun festival is one of the many festivals celebrated in the Western part of Nigeria. In Iragbiji, a town near Osogbo, the Egungun festival is celebrated as the period of interaction between the living and the dead. Egungun is said to date back to the 14th century B.C.E. It’s a festival that brings all the segments of the society together. Egungun is celebrated in festivals (Odun Egungun) and family ritual through the masquerade or custom. In family situations a family elder or Alagba presides over ancestral rites and may or may not be initiated into the local Egungun society. Nigeria’s annual Egungun festival is a centuries old Yoruba tradition, and one of the … Terpsichore , one of the nine goddesses or muses inspired creativity in humankind. Festivals are rituals which recur at regular intervals and which have as their purposes, the expression of beliefs held by a particular community. The origin of many of the festivals there are shrouded in mystery. Members of the society come to the marketplace and perform dances for the Timi, or chief, wearing MASKS that represent the spirits of deceased ancestors. They are rewarded with cash gift for the performance. festivals, and all taboos are vehemently adhered to. But there is no doubt that some festivals are some sort of religious or ancestor worships. Members of the fellowship come to the marketplace and perform dances for the Timi, or chief, wearing MASKS that substitute for the spirits of deceased ancestors. Egungun (Masquerades) festival is celebrated with youths in colorful masks and robes entertaining the people by making rounds at various locations in the town. The Egungun festival is one of the many festivals celebrated in the Western part of Nigeria. Sacrifices are made … Egungun festival is celebrated in Iragbiji in remembrance of their ancestors. The festival always comes up in the month of May every year. It brings people from all parts of the world to Ota”. It promotes peace, unity, development and understanding. The Festival in which different Clan/Household in Ota that have the Egungun background will Host their Guest to feast with them as they Celebrate the Festival. Held in the exciting city of Port-Harcourt, The Carniriv is a thrilling cultural event that … It is their responsibility to compel the living to uphold the ethical standards of past generations. The Egungun festival is a part of the Yoruba traditional religion .It is performed to mark the death of important personalities, the festival is common among the Egbas, Egbados, Oyo and other parts of south western Nigeria. The Egungun is a hidden fellowship among the Yoruba people, who live Nigeria. The festival is usually an annual celebration performed within the months […] when Sango, alafin (king) of the Oyo Empire, introduced a form of ancestor worship known as baba (father) which later came to be known as egungun, meaning masquerade (Adedeji 255). He made allegations against persons who claim Christmas is better than traditionally celebrated festivals as people who are still under slavery. Some very popular festivals are ogun , odun ijesu (new yam), egungun, osun, eyo, sango, sanpona, yemoja, and ifa. The women constitute a formidable team in the group. The festival is an acceptable general behaviour guarded by the norms and beliefs of its members. Egungun festival particularly in Akesan land. The Festival in which different Clan/Household in Ota that have the Egungun background will Host their Guest to feast with them as they Celebrate the Festival. The Egungun festival is a festival which is celebrated to mark the death of important personalities in the Yoruba kingdom. The festival is a part of the Yoruba traditional religion and is celebrated by the Egbas] The yearly festival is marked with pomp and pageantry. The Egungun festival is a part of the Yoruba traditional religion .It is performed to mark the death of important personalities, the festival is common among the Egbas, Egbados, Oyo and other parts of south western Nigeria. Celebrated in Ile-Ife Osun state, Nigeria, the Olojo festival is celebrated in honour of … The free Beyond Juneteenth: Egungun Festival, is an opportunity to not only celebrate a historic holiday, but also to look forward and build community. In the tradition of ancestor veneration, Egungun represents the "collective". The Egungun festival is a part of the Yoruba traditional religion .It is performed to mark the death of important personalities, the festival is common among the Egbas, Egbados, Oyo and other parts of south western Nigeria. Eyo FestivalThe Yoruba people particular based in Lagos are known to celebrate the Eyo festival. It has become so popular over the… The Yorùbá have a very rich cultural heritage: unique language, fashion, etiquette, religion, arts and crafts, dance and of course oral literature, especially the performance poetry genrewhich is the focus of this research. It has become so popular over the… The Egungun is a secret society among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Egungun festival is one of the most widely celebrated traditional religious festivals among the Yoruba of SouthWest Nigeria. The government said that machinery is being put in place to reform the celebration of the festival across the state in order to curb the excesses of Egungun followership, saying that the festival will rather be used to showcase the rich cultural values of Egungun in the state and promote it beyond the shores of the country. Greece and Ancient Rome. The egungun festival celebrated annually in Ibadan, had always been characterised with violence instigated by those who use it to settle scores, and which sometimes resulted in deaths and maiming of people. Egungun refers to the return of the ancestors in masquerade form and is celebrated by the Yoruba people. It is an epitome of a society which values its cultural heritage. It is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved or bonded in the United States, our Ancestors, our Egungun. The Egungun of the Yoruba people is a hybrid and diverse mode of ritual performance dedicated to ancestor worship. More specifically, it is a Yoruba masquerade for ancestor reverence, or the ancestors themselves as a collective force”…. The Yoruba religious system is sometimes referred to as the 'Yoruba Religion' or simply 'Orisa Veneration'. An elder from the egungun family called “Alagbaa” sometimes presides over the ancestral rites, but egungun priests are the ones in charge of invoking the spirit of the ancestors and bringing them out. It has been continuously celebrated for over 500 years. Celebrated among the Yoruba people found mainly in the South Western parts of Nigeria, the Egungun festival is marked to give assurance to the dead that they are remembered and still have a place in the land of the living. Oladunwo is the major cultural festival highly celebrated in Okemesi-Ekiti and its environs. The Egungun is a festival for the worship of ancestors. The festival celebration is organized in two sections; first is the cultic, which involves various rituals and worship session; The festival is celebrated annually in Yoruba land in almost all the towns and cities. Igue Festival is a celebration that has it root in the Benin kingdom, Nigeria. The festival celebrates Yoruba people from Nigeria and across the African Diaspora. The Egungun is a secret society among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. A hereditary chief called the Alagba heads the society, which celebrates its most important festival in June. Members of the society come to the marketplace and perform dances for the Timi, or chief, wearing MASKS that represent the spirits of deceased ancestors. The Ojude-Oba festival is known to the Ijebus as a major festival that brings them together. Festival is an event in form of entertainment usually celebrated by communities with the same religious beliefs or tradition. The end of life for an Egungun performer or member of an Egungun cult is handled with great ceremony. They believe the ancestors have the responsibility to compel the living to uphold the ethical standards of the past generations of their clan, town or family. There is hardly any occasion that is not celebrated with the … The Festival of Oro is a traditional annual Yoruba event usually celebrated in July. Celebrated among the Yoruba people found mainly in the South Western parts of Nigeria, the Egungun festival is marked to give assurance to the dead that they are … Oladunwo festival remains one of the top Egungun festivals in Yoruba land. The festival is also graced with different games and speeches rendered by the Owa Ooye and other dignitaries of Okemesi. Apart from these, there are various festivals that are celebrated which allow the people like any other tribe in the world to enjoy life to the fullest and with great joy. But there is no doubt that some festivals are some sort of religious or ancestor worships. Lagos Games Festival is an annual games festival with the first edition holding at Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos State from the 19th to the 20th of April 2019. The Egungun festival is an annual celebration amongst the Yoruba groups found mainly in the South Western parts of Nigeria. Elaborate masquerades (egungun ), are created of layers of cloths of dark colors with white serrated edges. Colourful reunion, music, dance and drama as thousands gather in celebration of our ancestors. This is common among south-western states of Nigeria. Many colourful masquerades parade the … The high point of the festival is the appearance of Andu, the most important and powerful mask. There is hardly any occasion that is not celebrated with the … The Aworis see the Egungun as their deity and as such worship Egungun. 4. The Egungun festival kicks off in November every year and ends in April before the annual rains set in. The Masquerades are often referred to as “Ara Orun”, A typical Egungun festival is celebrated for nine days that is the time to incorporate and complete the cycle of the communal interaction between the gods and man. In this celebration, the common foods eaten are the Akara, bean cake, Olele, pudding, Eko, corn porridge. The festival is a celebration of the life of important personalities in society who have passed away during the year. The Yoruba and the Ijebu have many deities or Orisha that include Ifa, Sango, Egungun, Ayelala, Oluweri, Ogun and Obatala. Egungun Festival. Egungun masks are also performed during specific funeral rites, marking the death of important personalities. He cited the ongoing Ramadan fast and we let them realise that last year that we celebrated Egungun festival nothing went wrong, and there was no breach of peace”. The Oyo State Government has began moves to reform the Egungun (Masquerade) Festival, with the determination to rid it of violence and hooliganism that usually accompany it. The Egungun is a festival … Carniriv. The festival kicks off in November every year and ends in April before the annual rains set in. No one could say exactly when it celebration started. It is important to note that the former interest and intensity of purpose of the past have reduced among the adherents. It is often done to fulfill specific communal purpose to commemorate or for Thanksgiving. The burial and preparation of the body is supervised by other Egungun before the coffin is buried in the floor of their home. in Festivals. It is a festival of music and dance and is also used as period to pray for peace and prosperity in the communities. The Olori Alagba of Ibadan, Chief Ojetunde Akinleye Asoleke appreciated the government for the initiative, pledging their loyalty and readiness More specifically, it is a Yoruba masquerade for ancestor reverence, or the ancestors themselves as a collective force. What we have now as egungun festival and worship is an image of what we were used to in the past years (Personal Communication). Women are not allowed to put on the Egungun regalia although they constitute important aspect of Egungun group preparing the celebration of Egungun festivals. Egungun, (egúngún with Yorùbá language tone marks) in the broadest sense is any Yoruba masquerade or masked, costumed figure. Annual Juneteenth Veneration, Tribute and Ancestral Celebration. Egungun Festival. In Iragbiji, a town near Osogbo, the Egungun festival is celebrated as the period of interaction between the living and the dead. Vodun Festival in Ouidah. Celebrated in southwestern Nigeria by the Yorubas, the Egungun Festival is dedicated to the worship of ancestors. The Egungun ceremonies, celebrated by the Yoruba people of Nigeria are designed to open direct channels of communication with ancestors through dance. These festivals are celebrated to honor different deities, gods, and goddesses. Many colourful masquerades parade the … Eégún is the reduced form (abbreviation assimilation) of the word egúngún and has the same meaning. The festival has, however, long changed from what it used to be. Celebrated in southwestern Nigeria by the Yorubas, the Egungun Festival is dedicated to the worship of ancestors. The government said that machinery is being put in place to reform the celebration of the festival across the state in order to curb the excesses of Egungun follower-ship, saying that the festival will rather be used to showcase the rich cultural values of Egungun in the state and promote it beyond the shores of the country. Egungun, which date back to the 14th century, is a ritual performance dedicated to ancestor worship that incorporate dance, singing, drumming, chanting, masking costumes and recitation. The Yoruba people particular based in Lagos are known to celebrate the Eyo festival. Nigeria's Egungun festival: Colour, culture and community. Edo People, The Benin Empire The original people and founders of the Benin Kingdom, the Edo people, were initially ruled by the Ogiso (Kings of the Sky) who called their land Igodomigodo. The general belief is that Egungun represents the spirit of the ancestors, thus the celebration involves some sacrifice to appease dieties. There is a large display of masquerades clothed with Yoruba traditional costumes during the festival.. The festival is usually an annual celebration performed within the months of November to April when there is no rain, with the belief that their ancestor should not … The Oyo State Government has said that henceforth the celebration of the Egungun (Masquerade) festival will be devoid of violence and hooliganism that usually accompanies it. Thus, Ọdun Egungun, the annual festival for the patrilineal ancestors, is the most widespread and important festival in the Yoruba liturgical calendar. Egungun in “the broadest sense is any Yoruba masquerade or masked, costumed figure. Egungun festival celebrations is a festival many Ibadan indigenes cherish and is celebrated annually. The festival is usually an annual celebration performed within the months […] [16] affirms that, the Yoruba people believe that new yam must not be eaten or taken to the market until the yam festival (odún isu) has been celebrated to appease the gods to guarantee future harvest. The origin of many of the festivals there are shrouded in mystery. The yearly festival is marked with pomp and pageantry. ... adding that the entertainment and cultural values of the festival would be celebrated and … We used to celebrate egungun … It is an annual celebration performed to mark the death of important personalities, and is common among the Egbas, Egbados, Oyo and other parts of southwestern Nigeria. The 37 States in Nigeria including the Federal capital territory, celebrate festivals… Osousi festival is celebrated amongst the people of Ikija and Ago-iwoye in Ogun state, Western Nigeria. We actually did before Alimi came with his group. The Egungun (Masquerade) of each Family and Household will be in the town … It’s one of the most celebrated holiday as there are many Beninese that practice Vodun. as part of the Yoruba religion Egungun embraces and celebrates blood ancestors, their strengths and teachings. The festival is a celebration of the life of important personalities in society who have passed away during the year. Oyo moves to rid Egungun festival of violence, hooliganism. In the Yoruba religion, the annual ceremonies in honor of the dead serve as a means of assuring their ancestors a place among the living. A hereditary chief called the Alagba heads the society, which celebrates its most important festival in June. Egungun Festival is held annually from November to April when it does not rain. This is another important festival in Iragbiji. Nigeria is blessed with beautiful people with different cultures and festivals. It also re-unites the living with the dead. The egungun festival celebrated annually in Ibadan, had always been characterised with violence instigated by those who use it to settle scores, and which sometimes resulted in deaths and maiming of people. These Egungun are not idols worshipped with the fetish stuff of blood, cowries and cold pap but celebrated as earthly spiritual representatives … According to Dr. Cheryl Sterling, director of the Black Studies Program in the Division of Humanities and the Arts, Egungun masking occurs as performances that celebrate the ancestral spirits. “The Egungun Festival is celebrated in Ota for the purpose of promoting the Yoruba culture. The Yoruba and the Ijebu have many deities or Orisha that include Ifa, Sango, Egungun, Ayelala, Oluweri, Ogun and Obatala. ... Egungun Festival ©Omenka online – Egungun festival. Juneteenth, a portmanteau of June and nineteenth, is also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day. 26 talking about this. It is believed that the festival first began thousands of years ago in Ejigbo Ile ife in osun state, and as the pioneers of the festival migrated to the present day Ogun state, they continued holding the festival yearly. Egungun is a part of the Yoruba pantheon of divinities. This historical Festival is celebrated among the Igbo people as a sign of authority and legitimacy of the ruler in the land to guide the people on the path of truth and wisdom. He The Egungun festival kicks off in November every year and ends in April before the annual rains set in. He appealed to Nigerians, especially Yoruba, to uphold and promote their culture. Egungun festival is one of the most widely celebrated traditional religious festivals among the Yoruba of SouthWest Nigeria. Egungun is Olojo festival. The Egungun (Masquerade) of each Family and Household will be in the town … Oladunwo festival also stand as a symbol of unity among Okemesi people as their sons and daughters at home and in diaspora come together to celebrate. Benin's Mysterious Voodoo Religion Is Celebrated In Its Annual Festival OUIDAH, BENIN - JANUARY 11: An 'Egungun' spirit stands during a Voodoo ceremony on January 11, 2012 in Ouidah, Benin. Egungun Festival is a festival amongst Yoruba people, which is celebrated annually and has been passed successively down to generations. All the festivals are celebrated annually except the eyo festival that takes place during special functions, and at different times of the year. The Olojo Festival is a famous annual festival in Ile-Ife in Osun State. It been hijacked by hooligans, who used it to rob, extort and unleash violence. Egungun refers to the return of the ancestors in masquerade form and is celebrated by the Yoruba people. The Egungun festival is an annual celebration amongst the Yoruba groups found mainly in the South Western parts of Nigeria. In Ota, however, Egungun festival is one of the many festival celebrated and is held in high esteem. The Egunguns also offer prayers and blessing to their benefactors and the town in general. The Egungun festival is common among the south-western states of Nigeria, and is a part of the Yoruba traditional religion. Ancestors assure a place for the dead among the living. The Egungun Masquerade festival is celebrated by adherents of the traditional religion in Southwest Nigeria, who believe that their ancestors reincarnate and pay them regular visits to bless them. This historical Festival is celebrated among the Igbo people as a sign of authority and legitimacy of the ruler in … Egungun is celebrated every ten years in Akesan, but the last one before the 2011 festival was celebrated 14 years ago. There is an erroneous belief that the Ilorin people never celebrated the egungun (masquerade) festival. Olojo festival. The day begins with a libation followed by a Juneteenth flag raising ceremony with Baba Hamin El. in the broadest sense of the word, refers to all types of Yoruba masquerades or masked, costumed figures. The Egungun of Benin perform their annual festival appearing as 'living ghosts' to terrify and impress upon the locals the knowledge of the dead and the prestige of their ancestors. And this, it is believed, contributes positively to the economy of the country, as well as foster unity among indigenous people. Another popular cultural festival in Nigeria is Egungun festival. The government said that machinery is being put in place to curb the excesses of Egungun followership, saying that the festival will rather… Egungun is celebrated in festivals and the rituals through the custom of masquerade. The event is … Ota Eegungun festival is one of the most celebrated festivals in the world and the result is in the number of crowd witnessed here today. Another popular cultural festival in Nigeria is Egungun festival. They sing, clap and chorus the traditional songs. Egungun or Imaleidiroko Festival is celebrated in Ekiti State, Nigeria to invoke the deities believed to be in-charge of ethical and moral standards of the people.. It is believed to help develop trade and commerce and generally bonds the people of Yorubaland together regardless of their religious beliefs. Decency is often a taboo with the crowd behind the masquerades. This is common among south-western states of Nigeria. The Yorùbá have a very rich cultural heritage: unique language, fashion, etiquette, religion, arts and crafts, dance and of course oral literature, especially the performance poetry genrewhich is the focus of this research. The festival is a celebration of the…

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