Remove the two Allen bolts (2) and axle nut (3), then loosen the … 13 years of pitting and buildup under the clearcoat. Anywho, thinking of getting new inner tubes and replace. Remove the dust cover from the fork and clean it using the tissue paper. Motorcycle Set-Up. Chemically stripped parts are okay. Pull the fork spring clear, being careful not to get oil all over the living room carpet. Invert the fork … (Most forks wear in a bent fashion as a result of heavy braking and flexing ) Pre-chrome grind on a centreless grinder, the amount ground off depends on the wall thickness of the tube and severity of the pitting/damage. You will need to prop up the front of the bike while you have the bottom forks removed. Pitting is the damaging of a metal surface that takes the form of a pit or crater. Most bikes of this age have well pitted stanchions, if they weren’t too bad then putting a gaiter over the top would do, but the bend does force the issue. So dismantled the forks ready to send lowers for powdercoat and stanchions for centreless grinding etc. Unfortunately capitan, there is no remedy to chrome pitting. the best I have done is sand down with 1500 wet and dry to remove the rust and sharp edges of the rust pits on mildly pitted forks. 2.8 Remove the external brake operating arm and push the brake shoe cam through from the outside. To do this, put the upper portion of the fork in a soft-jawed vice vertically, and secure it, paying close attention to not damage the plating. Remove the top fitting nut (ring nut). Some of those pits, like Harold says, cannot be removed as they are too deep. Using a socket wrench, loosen the pinch bolts on the upper and lower triple clamps. The first step is to remove the forks. It is bad if the pitting is near the fork seal because when the forks compress the sharp edges on the pits can damage the seals, and can let oil through. The fork seals may be leaking because they are old and hard but they may also be leaking due to pitting or grooves worn in the chrome surface of the inner tubes. Usually 0.025" is sufficient to remove all damage. The pitting and corrosion seen on these old Sportster parts is typical for a 50 year-old unrestored motorcycle. Support the steering stem (under bracket) and remove the bottom fitting nut (ring nut). Water with a little salt added works best as the salts and electrolytes in the water can help to speed up the chemical reaction. Sadly, we don't undertake the dismantling of units. do not use any oil. I highly recommend doing this if you have ugly forks and don't want to shell out the cash for chrome. Bust rust fast with any of these four methods. Small imperfections in the chrome can be carefully removed with very fine emery paper and some WD-40, but if the damage is too bad they’ll have to be re-chromed or replaced. 2. ... what is the next step to remove the corrosion while leaving your chrome in the best condition. White vinegar is best at … Sprung a left fork leak and noticed severe pitting and rusting along sliding area of the inner forks. Here's what they looked like starting out. Use a homemade abrasive to remove especially thin or weak chrome. Jack up the front end of the motorcycle. When I take off the rubber caps at the top of the forks, I find an allen bolt. Dip aluminum foil into clean water. The main issue you're gonna encounter with painted fork legs is chipping and eventual erosion on the front side of the legs. ... fork stanchions and shock shafts are polished to remove any pitting which could damage seals, and reduce stiction. Then clear coat again or polish every now and then. Remove the rear wheel to get at your motorcycle’s rear drum brake. Made the forks look shiny and like new. This would be using a 1992 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6D with two front 4-piston calipers. Congrats on a nice save. To remove the cap, you push it down (against the spring inside the fork), and pick out the retaining ring. 00:16 - Bronze or brass wool works the best. Fork Seal Replacement. Frequent cleaning is the only way to keep your wheels safe from pitting and corrosion. In this short video we’ll learn how to remove surface rust. It will require about 2 hours to repair your motorcycle fork properly. ), then … Removing glued lens covers: Have some fork oil, spray silicone lube, axle grease and cleaning solvent on hand, too. For me a pitted fork tube is different from a scratched or gouged fork tube, my first course of action would be to remove the fork tubes and chuck them up in my lathe for a little touch of 2000 grit emery paper and some close visual inspection to help discover any problem areas before deciding to use or not use a fork tube. it worked to get the rust off but it didnt help the pitting. Cb400f front forks.... One set has nice lowers but the tubes definitely peeled a bit of chrome 1 inch above the fork seal to show the nickel.. Remove all dirt and debris from the surface of the chrome using a soft sponge and clean water. I just acquired this 2003 V on a trade. I mark the two output shift forks on the tall shaft next to the output shaft “T” for top and “B” for bottom so I will not get them confused when I reassemble the gear box. Remove the Forks. 2.11 Remove the 4 bolts attaching the wheel to the hub and remove the hub. When I put the rolling chassis together for the 1984 250WR, I took the tubes out of those forks because of pitting and rust and replaced with a set from a set of 1985 250 XC forks I had gotten off this forum about 3 years ago.I am left with those removed tubes that are not that bad, but that is another I intend to sell this year. Used with the 3M Scothbrite pads as suggested in the video I watched. The other set looks better but has small pits throughout but … Cleaning wheels first will prevent brake dust and dirty water from splashing onto a clean car. Rinse, clean, and repeat the foil stage on any stubborn bits of pitting. 2.10 Deflate the tyre. Engine Oil and Fork Oil. 4. You cannot have any pressure on the top of the leg because it prevents cap removal. Was contemplating to sand and smoothen but not convinced. Wash aluminum exterior siding with a pressure washer set to low pressure. Well the forks definitely have a backwards bend to them, and the stanchions have quite a lot of rust. 5. A discussion started in 2001 but continuing through 2018. A coarse sand blast job will make our job harder and could possibly cause pitting in the final finish. Rust on my CL450 motorcycle forks prevented the stanchions from sliding past the lower triple tree rings. Set the forks on a clean work area. If the shop has the equipment the repair can sometimes be … remove the rust by whatever means you can. there is one option not mentioned here. That, and keeping water off it with a cover. Worth every penny. 3. Bikes can suffer from pitting, especially in forks. I know its been posted before - but I had such great results shining up my pitted slider tubes with sandpaper and polish I had to share my results. Remove fork cap Next, you can remove the fork cap. I would do as the rest of the members recommend. Occasionally I remove the caliper, take out the brake pads, use the brake handle - very carefully - to push the pistons out and inspect the outer surface for any pitting. Remove Allen bolt at bottom of fork with impact wrench, it usually will not come loose, if you are trying it by hand unless you stick the special tool down into the top of fork tubes. I use a bit of WD40 and a soft toothbrush to clean around the o-ring. This is the reason 90% of fork seals leak in the first place. Clean the tube up real good, then polish it I went from 800 grit gently working the rough area away up to 1500 grit. Motorcycle Repair, Building, and Restoration. Once the cap is off, you can remove the internal spring and drain oil. this has worked effectively in the short term, I haven't seen long term effects on the seals etc as I tend not to see the bikes again. There's a huge allen bolt in the top - use the head of a bolt instead - jam two nuts on the bolt and use it's head to remove … The metal polish followed up … However, crank arms, forks, brake calipers, stems, and handlebars may also be made out of this material. ABE (AllBikeEngineering) do replacement stanchions. This will work best on chrome and sometimes on bare steel. It can't be permanently fixed without replacing the entire fork stanchion which are pretty expensive. Avoid letting someone else sand blast your parts, we have it down to a fine art and gently remove the paint from your parts. Hey all. The front lower forks are pitted/oxidized/ugly. getting the rust off. 1. It's a pleasure for me to provide the bike information. Crumple it into a loose ball. Pitting was pretty bad (on 3 sides) and I'm not sure how the repair will hold up, haven't been able to do more than ~200km since. I finally decided to replace the carburator. Remove pitting and rust; Improve the appearance; Restore beam to current UK MOT standards . This process should be covered in a shop … Remove Allen bolt at bottom of fork with impact wrench, it usually will not come loose, if you are trying it by hand unless you stick the special tool down into the top of fork tubes. In a nutshell, the best formulation for motorcycle engine oils means striking the perfect balance between clutch performance, engine, and transmission protection. Well I put some elbow grease into the lower fork legs and they turned out awesome. 7. good luck! You could also try wipe on clear coat like I have which works unbeleivably well. with any solder, the fork has to be hot enough to melt the solder. can turn the forks around if you don't want the pitting/rust showing. Place the motorcycle on a stand or lift. I just couldn't get it adjusted due to the bad … We offer a ride-in motorcycle set up service to adjust the suspension of your bike to suit you and your riding style. ... Any original forks will show some wear after 30+ years of use or neglect. A motorcycle lift stand makes jobs like this much easier, but you can use a floor jack under the frame. VIDEO: Remove Input Shaft and Output Shaft Shift Fork Assembly. To get to the springs (or service the forks in any way) you have to remove the fork caps on the top of the tubes. If the forks are pitted, then the pitting will, in time, damage the seals, and they'll leak. Local time Today, 06:15 Joined Mar 11, 2017 Messages 846 Points 97 Age 71 Location Charlottetown First Name Brooke My Ride 16 thruxton r. 2011 tiger 800 the plater I used was a Rapid brand. If you can warm up the metal by placing in the oven on low heat or with a hair dryer, then use the coarse brown paper towels like … A higher viscosity level would result in increased gear pitting. Remove oxidation from aluminum pots by filling them with a mixture of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of cream of tarter and boiling the solution for about 10 minutes before rinsing the pot clean. Tear small strips of foil to use on rusted chrome areas. send the part to be media blasted on the pitted areas (not sand blasted! I use these on my bike before every wash to remove any rust spots If necessary shock bodies and cartridge tubes are honed to improve sealing. Step by Step. I've tried "Mothers" Aluminum Cleaner and a few other cleaners,,,,nothin' !!! But, don't get carried away worrying about every little possible defect. For this job you’ll … The first type – hard chrome – is used on almost every motorcycle. Tried this out to remove pitting from the forks on my Harley-Davidson. Wet the ball and gently rub any pitted areas with the foil. in the morning or some time the next day gently wipe it off with a super fine steel wool pad that is 0000 steel wool. Thanks greatly, William N [last name deleted for privacy by Editor] - Bronx, New York I used the coke and aluminum foil on my 75 RD200's fenders. Next is a close-up of the forks. after the rust is removed, there will be pitted areas. I sent the primary cover, cam cover, and valve covers to a plating … Cheers! Highly recommend. For this bike, removal of the front forks was required, which involves removing the front wheel, fender, brakes, and hand controls. Motorcycle oil is usually made thinner to lubricate the smaller engine components better and more easily. Removed the front mud guard / fender - comes out from the opposite side to the stand. Then applied paint stripper to get rid of the clear coat. Used a medium wet or dry pad wet in soapy water the same water I used to remove the paint stripper residue - rubbed in the direction of the polish lines - around the forks. Used a medium wet or dry pad wet in soapy water the same water I used to remove the paint stripper residue - rubbed in the direction of the polish lines - around the forks. As in without nasty little scratches everywhere. Purchase the Cycle Care Formula M Motorcycle Metal Polish at J&P Cycles, your source for aftermarket motorcycle parts and accessories, with free everyday tech support. 2001. Also, these bikes had springs that were too soft. Usually 0.025" is sufficient to remove all damage. I have 36mm forks from a 2D, beecause it is (mostly) a 2D. The Quick Glo Chrome Cleaner & Rust Remover is a versatile and highly effective solution, designed to remove any types of complex stains on metal parts of your motorcycle. If its the shiny bits, then the shop i took my forks to were able to cover the pitted bits with some araldite, then using wet & dry, sand it back down to the level of the rest of the forks. Tear off another 3-inch (7.6-cm) strip of foil. Drop the fork by removing the brake, and the mudguard if … I live near the coast and my front forks are quiet pitted after just 18 months of riding. It's called "Sharkhide". Remove damper rod In order to completely free the bottom from the top of the fork, you will need to remove the damper rod, which holds the pieces together. Remove the brake calipers and front wheel from the forks. Get free shipping, 4% cashback and 10% off select brands with a Gold Club membership when you get a Cycle Care Formula M Motorcycle Metal Polish (part number 55008) from J&P Cycles. 2.9 Remove the oil seal and bearings, if required. Then clean the dust from the fork using a cloth or tissue paper. Chrome is susceptible to pitting, especially in areas where there has been rust. The skill lies in the polishing and there is a fine line between polishing enough metal away to remove the erosion, but not over polishing and causing the part to split, crack or make a hole. There are two uses and therefore two types of chrome on motorcycles. For cleaning the fork, first of all, you should wear gloves. The fork caps on these early models are held in place with a steel retaining ring. After that, keeping a light coat of WD-40 on it would be about all you could do. You'll still have the pitting that the rust has come through from but keep looking after the fork with cleaning and wiping down with CRC or similar and you'll have less issue. Don’t take them out, just loosen them. Rinse aluminum wheels to remove … 2 All forks are different but most bikes will have a bolt in the bottom yoke, a smaller one in the top yoke and an even smaller one in the handlebar. Fill a bucket with clean water and stir in a cap-full or two of dish-washing soap. If your rust is really bad you may have to get the part sandblasted and re-chromed. Then applied paint stripper to get rid of the clear coat. I'll use 1500 wet/dry soaked with WD40, To remove any surface crap above the Fork Wipers before I disassemble the forks. The fork tube repair service we offer is the best in the UK with chroming prices starting from £164.99 per pair.
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