This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. Here are a few examples: “People on the left say X. Judgmental Sentence Examples. There are different kinds of judgments. "Affect heuristic" is when you make a snap judgment based on a quick impression. When our inner Judge is balanced, we are able to make clear decisions and avoid potentially dangerous situations. She was very judgmental about Junyas character. Sentence Examples We became so critical and judgmental of ourselves, that we wouldn't allow ourselves to be balanced musicians after college. ‘I don't like to sound judgemental, but it was a big mistake’. judgment: [noun] the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing. As critical as an overly judgmental person may be of others, the sword … ". " A blind man is no judge of colours.. Don’t judge a man by his appearance.. Sentence Examples. I guess you were too busy being judgemental about others to read books or pay attention to your grammar lessons in fourth grade. Definition of judgemental adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Only first 15 results shown. 15 The judgment on pension rights has established/set a precedent. Judgemental is an alternative form of judgmental. Our dealings with our pasts are not all judgemental, not all concerned with moral disapproval or approval. Much of what makes us who we are today is initiated through the elements that formed us in childhood. Unfortunately, some children endure hardships... No one can handle being criticized all the time. 1.1. Judgmental in a sentence | judgmental example sentences. On the other hand, judgemental conversation reveals personal opinion and perception and is therefore biased. 20 examples: A claim expressing doubt about the status of a moral judgment is externally… We tried not to seem critical or judgmental while giving advice that would protect him from ridicule. The judgment in the case is expected to be handed down this afternoon. Terry doesn’t consistently think through problems. An English proverb notes, "Don't judge a book by its cover." These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. The word judgmental is defined as “having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.” 1 The first trait of a judgmental person is they criticize too much. I’ve been trying to be less judgmental about this. Naturally, this heuristic can be both helpful and hurtful when applied in the wrong situation. Opposites of Judgemental; free; penniless; gratis; without money; cashless; complimentary; praise; praising; laud; glorification; flattery; commending; Example Sentences with Judgemental; I guess you don’t realize you’re being too judgmental. The word "judge" in a example sentences. The judge agrees and orders John to pay the $3,000. website builder Our character curriculum is centred on building four key character traits discussed in relation to human flourishing and success since the times of Classical Greek Philosophy: resilience, self-control, good judgement and fairness.Why do we focus on these traits? 5. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or copy them. Don't let your relationship with the woman cloud your judgment about her performance of her job. You're being too judgmental. Definition of judgemental adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. High quality example sentences with “superb judgment” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Judgmental Defnition. Being judgmental refers to the tendency to form an opinion or conclusion about something too quickly and critically. These assumptions can be based on a person’s behavior, morals, actions or beliefs and typically do not take into consideration specific elements of what is being judged For example,... 4. Examples of moral judgment in a sentence, how to use it. She fought back the heebie-jeebies and scolded herself for being so judgemental. 25 examples: The health professional should respond in a non-judgmental and supportive… ". Being judgmental isn’t all bad. " The judge called the witness to the stand. " I haven’t ever really made a harsh judgement on someone before meeting them, or at least not that I can remember, but I have gone into social situa... Source. Source. If John does not pay the judgment, Jane can ask the court for remedy, which might include the court placing a lien on his assets, garnishing his wages or other actions. I once heard of a certain person who was married into a family and having two children herself was then offered an overseas trip, which entailed th... (declared, ruled, decided, concluded) " The judge chose the same winner from last year. " If you say that someone is judgmental, you are critical of them because they form opinions of people and situations very quickly, when it would be better for them to wait until they know more about the person or situation. The judge convicted him of theft.. A judge sits in the court and hears cases.. Find 22 ways to say JUDGMENTAL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Fred Brooks once remarked that good judgment is the result of experience, and experience is the result of bad judgment. Terry uses appropriate judgment on tasks that need immediate resolution. an opinion or estimate so formed. Word choice leans towards emotive rather than impersonal; it is vague and generalised because the speaker tends to refer to previously held beliefs instead of using evidence to support their argument. … How to Use "Judgment" with Example Sentences. " You are making a judgemental statement that makes no sense, whatsoever. She is bad at making snap judgments. He hates me because whenever I try to talk to him he avoids me by giving excuses. How to use judgemental in a sentence. He hated to be judgmental , but he was unable to believe that someone like them were capable of doing a noble thing such as keeping a vow. Examples of non-judgmental in a sentence, how to use it. Judgmental in a sentence. You are offline. Me. All the time, especially when it comest to drugs. But my feelings on the subject are this: The thing that makes people feel judged is usually g... People hate to be judged by their look and skin color but they love to judge others by the same criteria. An American girl walks into a department... It could appear that I am being judgemental by asking a self evaluation. Many times we feel a person is judgmental when they don't show concern for others before expressing their own point of view. We also see a person as judgmental when that person gives criticism that is inappropriately harsh for the circumstances. Academic English Words List and Example Sentences Rather, you should look at their deeds. (dismissed, denied, overruled, rejected, overturned) " The judge declared that she was guilty. " The murder was described by the judge as the most horrible crime he had ever dealt with. ". " The word judgment comes from the Greek word krisis; we get our English word crisis from it. Learn the definition of judge and how to use it in a sentence. Most people don't like it when someone is being judgmental about them. Terry makes inappropriate comments without determining the audience 1. Years ago as a single mother in a small town I was trying to rent a house and the landlord asked me you don't have a husband who will mow your yard... “I have learned silence … (called) " The trial judge dismissed the claim. " People on the right say Y. Examples of 'judgemental' in a sentencejudgemental. Judgemental in a sentence | judgemental example sentences He's not being judgemental. He walked past her, giving her a judgmental frown. Judgment writing has been one of the most exciting parts of judgeship for me and I’ve spent considerable time reflecting upon and trying to figure out ways and means to make them better. You should not be judgemental about people. This order is a judgment against John, and it is usually a matter of public record. Thesaurus for Judgmental. He is running her and there around the office, so he is very busy. Simple Tips That Can Help Anyone Master Non-Judgmental Communication 16 Perhaps anger had clouded his vision,[] perhaps his judgment had been faulty. It's something I'm not very judgmental about, at … There’s another reason why people are SO judgemental that is so very common that I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned it yet. And that’s PEER AC... You must try not to be so judgmental about people. Everyone thought he made an accurate judgment. The second class of implicitly judgmental language is when you make value judgments without realizing it. Some negative performance review phrases that could be used for Judgment are: Terry doesn’t weigh all the facts before making a decision. A2A As I understand it, being judgmental means assuming things about someone without looking at the situation from every point of view. As adjectives the difference between judgemental and judgmental is that judgemental is while judgmental is of or relating to judgment. This series, called “The importance of”, explores the importance of each of these four traits. As the Dalai Lama said, ´judgement is the absence of Love´, so anytime we are not being loving, we are judging… anytime we feel more important than... Funny how conservatives only think a judge is activist: 'when they don't agree with them. He never kept his promise, so I won't trust him. Again, it's important with all of these questions to make him feel as though he can safely express himself honestly - this is not the time to be judgmental, and certainly not to run a guilt trip about anything. Log in. 2. I think judgements of others can be quite destructive. I know they were for me. But then, it was my own judgments of myself that were the problem.... I can’t believe this happened in 2013. I am an older woman and have had a male friend for about 20 years. He came to visit from the mainland while... An example of judgment is a blonde woman automatically being treated as dumb. 3. He was criticized for making poor judgments. The same sentence can be construed as a discernment or a judgment simply based on the tone that’s used. In addition to pride, a person can become judgmental when they are angry at being wronged by someone. Hurt and wounded inside, their heart can grow cold, and they harshly judge the person who mistreated them. Whatever the root cause, a judgmental person has a heart that lacks love and respect for other people. Three ways to overcome being judgmental include self-reflection, forgiveness, and seeing the whole person. Recent Examples on the Web But social media has since given stars the ability to circumvent the prying, judgmental … Definition of judgmental written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Examples of judgmental in a Sentence He's judgmental about everyone except himself. There was a judgemental silence at the other end of the line. Being critical also helps us to be creative, innovative, and insightful about other people’s problems (think of the therapist who must judge his or her patient to help them). When dealing with highly judgmental people, adopt an attitude of gratitude. You shouldn't judge people by what they say. The definition of judgment is an opinion, decision or a sentence given by a court of law. Last time he lied to me, so I'm sure he is lying now too. I'll make my final judgment after I review all of the information. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Judgment (law) In law, a judgment is a decision of a court regarding the rights and liabilities of parties in a legal action or proceeding. Judgments also generally provide the court's explanation of why it has chosen to make a particular decision. The phrase "reasons for judgment" is often used interchangeably with "judgment.". judgemental. This heuristic views a situation quickly and decides without further research whether a thing is good or bad. You Frequently Self-Criticize. Learn Ludwig Add to Chrome for free. Forgive me for sounding judgmental. ‘Exercising judgment does not refer to being judgmental, critical or condemning.’. Tone can also imply judgment. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Judgmental meaning and usage. Having or displaying an overly critical point of view. The thief stood before the judge.. My uncle is a High Court Judge.. Mryada Rama was the Chief Judge in the court of Krishnadeva Raya of Vijayanagar.. She cursed the judge for miscarriage of justice.. Our religion asks that we are not judgmental of. If a woman is discriminating and judgemental, doesn't that make her affection a greater prize? Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. ". " For example, someone who is listening with their arms crossed and their lips pursed will quickly give off a judgmental appearance. I once heard of a certain person who was married into a family and having two children herself was then offered an overseas trip, which entailed that the person who paid for trip, the children's grandma, offering to take care of the children. ted. 17 Trust your own judgment and don’t be guided by what anyone else thinks. I'm trying to be less judgmental. If I approved of your photographs," he said, still judgemental and … An example of judgment is someone being sentenced to two months in prison for a crime committed. Read more…. 6. Never be judgmental. What is judgemental language? You should try to avoid being so judgmental. More example sentences. ‘Her father returns the favor by being overly judgmental of her in everything she does, probably because it is the only way he knows to show his affection.’.
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