Persistent definition, persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”. Valor: This word (and the related adjective valiant) implies a romantic ideal of courage. Antonyms for perseverance. What is a definition for the word persistence? 27 synonyms for perseverance: persistence, resolution, determination, dedication, stamina, endurance, tenacity, diligence, constancy, steadfastness, doggedness. 37 synonyms of pertinacious from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 108 related words, definitions, and antonyms. All Free. 198 opposites of persistence- words and phrases with opposite meaning. The concept of "macho" is inextricably interwoven with sexism and concepts of gender roles to the point that a word that's non-gendered would necessarily differ significantly in meaning. How to pronounce persistence. “Perhaps the word that defines us best is perseverance,” salutatorian Lee told his classmates. Explore 'persistence' in the dictionary. Present participle for recur. View the pronunciation for persistence. Synonyms for Lactase persistence in Free Thesaurus. 11. “They key of persistence opens all door closed by resistance.” ― John Di Lemme. Check our Syllable Dictionary. Typically I persist the object in its raw state, then serialize it … Word Games Ask Question. An example of persistence would be taking more psychology courses in order to earn a degree although it requires a significant investment of time, energy, and resources. Building a strong work ethic will allow a person to train themselves so that hard work is almost automatic. Find out what rhymes with persistence. From Medication compliance (synonym: adherence) refers to the degree or extent of conformity to the recommendations about day-to-day treatment by the provider with respect to … 3. A continuous sequence of a particular situation or condition. List journal. Description Lactose is the form of sugar present in milk. Full list of synonyms for Persistence is here. Explore premium templates. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. In fact studies have found that high school students who studied Latin scored a mean of 647 on the SAT verbal exam compared with the national average of 505. Compare Synonyms. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. other words for persistence. A. weak B. stubborn ** C. dishonest D. unclear 2 - Which word is similar in meaning to the word SUPPRESSED? Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. … more . endurance. Class attendance list. 2. Definition and synonyms of persistence from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. 10 Synonyms for « persistence » Click any word from sentences to quickly get its definition.. View (KWIC) Key Word in Context Frequency Words Sentences. synonyms. Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work) Happening regularly, time after time. determination, tenacity, steadfastness, perseverence, resolve, grit, commitment, dedication, diligence, resolution, resoluteness, staying power, endurance, stamina, indefatigability, doggedness, … A. obvious B. indirect C. perceived D. stifled ** Latin word for learning. n. 1. persevere, persist, hang in, hang on, hold on(verb) be persistent, refuse to stop. "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions". Synonyms: hang on, run, stay, keep, die hard, append, hang in, tack, hold on, tag on, tack on, prevail, persevere, remain, endure, grasp, stop, hold the line. The Apostle John puts it this way: "In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Page 1 of 906 jobs. Antonyms for persistent data. FIRST-AID MEASURES If inhaled If breathed in, move person into fresh air. persistent - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. (Page 2 of 4) perseverance. While the synonyms obstinate and pertinacious are close in meaning, obstinate implies usually an unreasonable persistence. Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. grit. Persistence Quotes. More 600 Persistence synonyms. It can also help you translate your sentence into English, find the right synonym for your word, paraphrase your sentence, etc. The word denotes “tenacity, determination, or unrelenting persistence,” he said, but in his view the best definition of perseverance “is the ability to renew yourself, especially during difficult times.” Temerity: This word implies a rash, contemptuous disregard for danger. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. All Free. Antonyms for persistence. Just type in your word in the search bar, and you will get a definition, popularity, ngram, text-to-speech, and plenty of sentences as examples of your word with the credible sources from the internet quoted below them. Antonyms for persistency. stamina. Persistence – firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Meaning: [pər'sɪstəns /pə-] n. 1. the property of a continuous and connected period of time 2. persistent determination 3. the act of persisting or … Find 881 opposite words and antonyms for persistent based on 24 separate contexts from our thesaurus. 3 Answers3. Find 59 ways to say PERSISTENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find another word for pertinacious. 53. “The most essential factor is persistence — the determination never to allow your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement that must inevitably come.” – James Whitcomb Riley. Synonyms (Other Words) for Persistence & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Persistence. 1. 7-Eleven is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. Synonyms for Persistence. Synonyms for persistent data in Free Thesaurus. Keep going. 55. The act of persisting. They acted with great courage and … tenacity. There is a difference here, yes? is a definition for the word 'hamper.' Find 17 ways to say PERSISTENCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ; persevering: a most annoyingly persistent young man. 35 synonyms for persistence: determination, resolution, pluck, stamina, grit, endurance, tenacity, diligence, perseverance, constancy, steadfastness, doggedness. Forming good habits such as focusing, staying motivated, finishing tasks immediately, and more helps to create a Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PERSISTENCE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word persistence will help you to finish your crossword today. PERSISTENT is a word of 10 letters synonym of continual, haunting, lasting, relentless, unforgettable, unrelenting. Learn more, Our P.A.C.E. Opposite of the mental ability to handle or recover quickly from hardship. She has had a persistent cough for weeks. Smouldering or smoldering. Are those just typos in the question? These antonyms of the word persistence … 3. Log in. What are synonyms for Lactase persistence? Get an answer for 'What are some good metaphors or similes that reveal intelligence, determination, motivation, strength, perfection or persistence?' Learn more. _____ Benson recommends repeating word, prayer, phrase or motion for 10-20 minutes a day and during that time, try to ignore other thoughts. ... a contemporary synonym, more or less, for high levels of intensity and persistence in work effort. How many syllables in persistence? Lists. Playing a long game against many other players requires persistence. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. opposite meaning. An open declaration of affirmation to the truth of something. The proper home for the persistence file should be src/main/resources/META-INF. SYNONYM Anisylacetone Formula C11H14O2 Molecular Weight 178.23 g/mol CAS-No€ EC-No Index-No. ... One word synonym … Antonyms for Lactase persistence. Ein anderes Wort für Extortion? O is the p - the answers to (noun) in the sense of determination. 52. 2011 November 10, Jeremy Wilson, “England Under 21 5 Iceland Under 21 0: match report”, in Telegraph‎[1]: The most persistent tormentor was Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who scored a hat-trick in last month’s corresponding fixture in Iceland. Opposite of continuation. When navigating on this site, you are accepting that Google and their partners uses cookies to show you publicity adapted to your interest center and … Word. € In case of skin contact Wash off with soap and plenty of water. persistence synonyms, persistence pronunciation, persistence translation, English dictionary definition of persistence. Persistence. 6 synonyms of diligence from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 16 related words, definitions, and antonyms. – R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Feb 7 '15 at 13:17 Find another word for diligence. Synonyms for persistence. Medication compliance and medication persistence are two different constructs. tent (pər-sÄ­s′tənt) adj. Diligence: attentive and persistent effort. A synonym is basically the opposite of an antonym. Here you use the antonyms for persistence. synonyms Word. Find 36 ways to say PERSEVERANCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Results: Medication compliance and medication persistence are two different constructs. Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence. In the academic and professional worlds a discipline is a specific branch of knowledge, learning, or practice. Millions trust Grammarly’s free writing app to make their online writing clear and effective. Medication compliance (synonym: adherence) refers to the degree or extent of conformity to the recommendations about day-to-day treatment by the provider with respect to the timing, dosage, and frequency. The action of carrying something on over time or the state of being carried on. persistence meaning: 1. the fact that someone or something persists: 2. the fact that someone or something persists…. Words for Grit (nouns related to humility). ‘Her persistence was rewarded, however, in 1970 when she won a by-election in West Bromwich.’ ‘There are a few strategies that can lead to success, but persistence and patience are key.’ ‘We are delighted that the patience and persistence shown by the … determination. A constant and insistent demanding. Determination and Persistence: Both Are Required for Success. Work ethic is a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. Another way to say Persistent? similar meaning. 54. “Let’s ask God to help us to self-control for one who lacks it, lacks his grace.” – Mevlana Rumi. Racist. endolymph: [ en´do-limf ] the fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the ear; it is entirely separate from the perilymph . doggedness. Lists. Understand the difference between Spadework and Persistence. Present participle for continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Persistence definition, the act or fact of persisting. Synonyms for. The Son is the Word of God, the “logos” in Greek. See more. 3 letter words AGE - RUN - WAY 4 letter words CALM - GRIT - WILL 5 letter words Hold to adjust. stubbornly unyielding; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"- T.S.Eliot; dogged persistence. Verb. Conducting needs/gap analysis for curriculum enhancement as well as for the development of skill maintenance programs. Synonyms for persistency in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms for persistence in Free Thesaurus. Hazem and Daille [17] extended the work of [18] and explored the synonym extraction of single-word terms and multiword terms of variable lengths. 50-51. “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”. ... A Word From Verywell . Dictionary Menu. This is the British English definition of persistence.View American English definition of persistence. Being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change. Lactose Intolerance Definition Lactose intolerance refers to the inability of the body to digest lactose. Synonyms for Persistent (other words and phrases for Persistent) - Page 2. Wörter für Extortion (Substantive verbunden mit vigor). Present participle for to continue without interruption. Synonyms for Persistent efforts. Princeton's WordNet(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate these synonyms: persistent, relentless, unrelenting(adj) never-ceasing. "the relentless beat of the drums". Synonyms: unappeasable, inexorable, lasting, unrelenting, tenacious, relentless, dour, haunting, stern, unyielding, grim, dogged, unforgiving, brutal, pertinacious. Antonyms: Skills that are emblematic of persistence include: Note, there should be an 's' in resources and a dash (-) in META-INF, not an underscore. Persistence is the continuation of action around that purpose. Learn to divide persistence into syllables. The word modern is used to separate current Paganism from that of the distant past, whereas in others, the word neo is used. Conservatives must reckon with their policies’ discriminatory effects. Continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period. Antonyms for (adjective) persistent. Main entry: lasting, persistent. Definition: retained; not shed. Usage: persistent leaves remain attached past maturity; the persistent gills of fishes. Antonyms: shed, caducous. Definition: shed at an early stage of development. Subtle… and yet a difference. 12. “Persistence is the key to solving most mysteries.” ― Christopher Pike. Determination is focus on the purpose. Careers that start in our stores have a way of becoming lifelong journeys. In the question, you mention src/main/resource/META_INF. Synonyms and antonyms are used every day by teachers, students, writers, editors, poets, and songwriters to add variety to writing. constancy. Results. The words Spadework and Persistence might have synonymous (similar) meaning. Excel. Change your default dictionary to American English. my headache persisted for almost the entire day. What are another words for Persistence? Another word for persistence: determination, resolution, pluck, stamina, grit | Collins English Thesaurus persistency: 1 n persistent determination Synonyms: doggedness , perseverance , persistence , pertinacity , tenaciousness , tenacity Type of: determination , purpose the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose Another word for persistence: determination, doggedness, endurance, grit, perseverance | Collins American Thesaurus Persistence. shilly-shallied, vacillated, wavered, wobbled. Used earlier (1909) by Ezra Pound in the sense "literary character representing voice of the author." In SAP HANA, a design-time synonym artifact has the suffix .hdbsynonym and defines the target object by specifying an authoring schema and an object name; its activation evaluates a system's schema mapping to determine the physical schema in which the target table is expected, and creates a local synonym that points to this object. Synonyms for Persistent Efforts (other words and phrases for Persistent Efforts). Is Not a Synonym for. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Define persistence. Contexts . is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. persisting. Existing or remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time; enduring: persistent rumors; a persistent infection. ( of a person or their behaviour) Not able to be changed or reformed. Synonyms. Every challenge is exciting, and remaining dedicated to their job means pushing through even when things get hard. See more. Perseverance, tenacity, endurance. dogged, insistent, patient, persevering, pertinacious, tenacious. He has been with God the Father for eternity as He is the vehicle through whom the creative powers of the Father were exercised. Opposite of the fact or state of being frequent or happening often. 4. Getting started is simple — download Grammarly’s extension today. Persistence is the continued effort toward a goal even though obstacles may exist. A strong work ethic is an important part of being successful in your career. persiennes, persiflage, persimmon, Persis, persist, persistence, persistence of vision, persistent, persistent anterior hyperplastic primary vitreous body, persistent chronic hepatitis, persistent cruelty … Refusing to give up or let go; persevering obstinately. As far as I know, Zeromq does not have any persistence. Angela Duckworth is the world’s leading expert on “grit,” the much-hyped ingredient in personal success. It is a word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word. Opposite of the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. dogged ( adj.) Browse Templates. Synonyms: dour / persistent / pertinacious / tenacious / unyielding. Likewise, they are able to stay positive and encourage their team members to stay focused during difficult times. In C#, I have used db4o to add persistence. 1 - Which word can be a synonym for the word PERSISTENT? JAFARSPSC is one of the active websites which provides free study materials and exam timps to the students who prepare for different competitive exams The enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by cells lining the small intestine, breaks down lactose into substances that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Insistently repetitive or continuous: a persistent honking of car horns. abidance, ceaselessness, continuance, continuation, continuity, continuousness, durability, duration, They help us avoid repetition in our speech and writing and expand our vocabulary. Antonym is the word that is opposite of synonym.Antonym IS the antonym of synonym What is a sentence for persistence? Low carb foods shopping list. 🔴 Answer: 2 🔴 on a question According to this thesaurus entry, the word 'support' is a synonym for the word 'hamper.” O is the opposite of the word 'hamper.' 2 synonyms for lactose intolerance: lactase deficiency, milk intolerance. Concentration 104-20-1 € € € € 4. (also wabbled) 2 to remain indefinitely in existence or in the same state. antonyms. Moreover, I would say asking for a "non-gendered synonym for macho" is something of an oxymoron. 2. Persistence Quotes - BrainyQuote. Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a particular system of governance.Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Just like serializing the message. Synonyms for perseverance in Free Thesaurus. persona (n.) 1917, "outward or social personality," a Jungian psychology term, from Latin persona "person" (see person ). Similar words: persistent, subsistence, consistency, existence, persist, consistent, insistently, consistently. 13. “Persistence is contagious.” ― Toba Beta. Log in. People who adapt well rarely feel the pressure to quit. Persistence . 0. Perseverance is persistence in sticking to a plan. Obstinately refusing to give up or let go. 53. Definitions. In fact studies have found that high school students who studied Latin scored a mean of 647 on the SAT verbal exam compared with the national average of 505. Tenacity: This term and its longer variant tenaciousness suggest persistence. Find out what connects these two synonyms. Republican. Persistence definition: If you have persistence , you continue to do something even though it is difficult or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples . That would be more likely if liberals stopped carelessly crying bigot. The fact or state of being frequent or happening often. Another word for Grit? perseverance - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. It is out of scope for it and needs to be handled by the end user. coherent, consistent, logical, ordered(adj) marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts. "a coherent argument". Antonyms: discrepant, heterogenous, contradictory, inconsistent, conflicting, scratchy, uneven, at odds(p), unconformable, heterogeneous, self-contradictory, incompatible, spotty, unreconciled. Synonyms: The state or quality of being persistent; persistency. Synonyms for persistent. Bring your ideas to life with more customizable templates and new creative options when you subscribe to Microsoft 365.

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